

David Cohen headshotDavid Cohen is a veteran investigator with vast experience working for private and governmental agencies, since the mid 1990’s. He is dedicated to serving his clients by providing superb results in a cost-efficient manner.  He is a licensed private investigator in New York and Maryland, with a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) designation.

Since July 2013, David has worked on a variety of assignments for major law firms including Wolf Haldenstein, Motley Rice, and Morgan & Morgan, in addition to several high-profile financial and real estate firms.  Assignments have included complex securities class action investigations, asset, background and locate searches.  Read an article written by David Cohen for Baltimore’s WhereWhatWhen magazine.  The Life of a Private Investigator

Milberg logoFor over ten years David worked as an in-house investigator for Milberg LLP, a major plaintiff securities firm.  His work focused on evidence in investor and consumer protection actions. Responsibilities included compiling documented evidence, performing company & defendant background checks, interviewing witnesses, and preparing internal memoranda.

Most of David’s cases were financially complex and involved practices such as channel stuffing, document manipulation, accounting fraud, and various other shenanigans.  You can read about some of his career highlights here.

oshaPrior to joining Milberg, David worked for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigating allegations of discrimination relating to workplace safety and health.  He managed cases in New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. David controlled strategic development and execution of the investigative process with responsibility for conducting field investigations; compiling documented evidence; interviewing complainants; respondents, and witnesses; performing background checks, proposing and negotiating settlement agreements, researching and analyzing federal statutes, and developing cases for judicial disposition.

Additionally, David performed supervisory duties involving the review of division-wide case files for accuracy, and the response to varied requests from clients, investigators and management. David also audited state discrimination programs, evaluating the effectiveness of policies and recommending modifications for improvement. During his OSHA tenure, David worked with a number of complex federal statutes, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Surface Transportation Assistance Act. He also conducted investigations regarding safety protocols at the Indian Point Power Plant in upstate New York, which involved Con Edison and New York Power Authority.

New-York-Food-Stamp-Fraud-InvestigationBefore joining OSHA, David worked as a welfare fraud investigator for the City of New York Human Resources Administration – Office of Revenue and Investigation, visiting homes of welfare recipients for purposes of investigating fraudulent claims for welfare benefits. The job involved soup-to-nuts investigations: performing background checks, researching and analyzing financial records, interviewing welfare recipients, and identifying collateral information sources. The investigations also entailed verifying the receipt of child support.

David currently lives in Annapolis, Maryland with his wife and three children.  He is an active volunteer in the local Jewish community.  He is an avid sports fan and athlete, and enjoys traveling.

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